Monday, December 30, 2019

The Legacy Of The Ford Automobile Company - 2350 Words

The FORD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY soon became a great employer of many folks. This helped in mitigating the problem of unemployment which was then rampant in this era of the post-depression the US nation. Henry Ford was greatly liked by his employees as they were not being rushed but they worked solely under continual motivation from their employer. The model A cars were strong, high off the ground and involved simple mechanics, this also made the a favorite for many as compared to other sophisticated models of those days. In 1907, Henry Ford and his company would make a debut out of their sales. They manufactured the model Theory took it to the British Isles, drove it to the top of Ben Nevis which was very steep and a high hill. The General†¦show more content†¦What an achievement!!This success was a defining moment of the economic and social structure of the US. Henry Ford made a decision that would then shock the whole world, he raised his employee’s wages from $2.34 to $ 5.This also saw the decrement of working hours from the then daily 9 hours to 8 hours. He also decreased the working days from 6 days to 5 days. (James n.d.)This principles were unheard of and made Ford’s employees the best paid industrial workers in the whole world. It is said that everyday, queues outside the company would stretch for miles, these were people seeking jobs at the firm. One belated Ford’s employee wrote a poem: (. n.d.) †Nothing but good clothes to wear Sorry are we for the poor devils who cannot our good luck share! † This was a perfect emblem of how the FORD’s company success was increasingly becoming a successful part of man’s daily life. As the pays went up, families became families again. Those were the days when people, including worked. Parents cherished work more than taking their kids to school. Other members of the family resigned to take care of the home based chores and this made life better for all. The Fordism Production system which utilized the Assembly Line production was marked by four major stages. Stage one comprised of Division of Labour which involved different works being carried out by different people, the unskilled workersShow MoreRelatedA Biography Of Henry Ford1138 Words   |  5 PagesA Biography of Henry Ford Henry Ford was an American industrialist, best known for his pioneering achievements in the automobile industry. From humble beginnings he was able to create a company that would rank as one of the giants of American and World industry long after his death. There is no doubt that Henry Ford was a successful business man. The Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford s legacy, has left its mark on every continent in the world. 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ERNEST OPPENHEIMER 6 2.1. Introduction 6 2.2. Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, 1880-1957 6 2.3. Devised Engagement-Ring Custom 7 3. References 8 1. HENRY FORD 1.1. Introduction Cars changed the way people lived, worked, and enjoyed leisure time; however, what most people don’t realize is that the process of manufacturing automobiles had an equally significantRead MoreThe On The Board Game Monopoly1074 Words   |  5 PagesMichigan. The Rise of Detroit: The most significant factor that catapulted Detroit, Michigan to becoming a prosperous city in America was the mass production of the automobile in the early 20th century. Three companies encompassed the auto industry in America and they were Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. Consequently, the three companies were referred to as the â€Å"Big Three.† The â€Å"Big Three† established their headquarters, and assemble plants in the Detroit area. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Socialization - 937 Words

Socialization in a Social Institution socialization in a social institution can change a person self-concept and the way they socialize because of the environment and the people to interact with on a daily basis. Being in a social institution like a prison for example would change the way a person socializes because of the setting the person is in. The way things are done in a social institution would change their self concept so they could fit in to that specific social institution. When someone is first introduced into a new social institution they have to learn how to adapt. This is where the generalized other comes in. If we can figure out thee generalized other things become a lot easier. In the movie Shawshank†¦show more content†¦This also happens because we feel more comfortable around certain people. we tend to socialize differently depending on who we are with and that is because of our primary and secondary groups.when you are put into a social institution youll be forced to socialize a lot but not all of that socialization will be with a primary group of people that you feel comfortable with. School is a good example of this because in class you may need to do group work or something where you were communicating with other people but you dont know them on a personal level and they would be considered your secondary group because there is no emotional connection with these people you are just working together to achieve a goal. Then theres your friends who you hang out with I know on a personal and emotional level so they would be considered your primary group. This happens in any social institution because we find people was similar interests that we may go to for emotional support. in the movie Shawshank redemption the character Red played by Morgan Freeman was apart of Andys primary group and I would even consider Red his significant other because of the way him in and he interacted. socialization in a social institution can change a person self-concept and the w ay they socialize because of the environment and the people to interact with on a dailyShow MoreRelatedSocialization6074 Words   |  25 PagesMichael Mangin SOC 1E BY NIJOLE BENOKRAITIS CHAPTER 4 - SOCIALIZATION Homework Questions MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. _____ is the lifelong process of social interaction in which an individual acquires a social identify. a. The generalized other b. The looking-glass self c. Socialization d. Resocialization e. The sense of self Adrian, from the time he was born, began learning how to think and behave effectively in society. He learned language, norms, and values first from his parents and then fromRead MoreThe Benefits Of Socialization1239 Words   |  5 Pagescommunication with others may lead you to have a good job later in the future. Socializing connects to English by speaking with others, can provide you a well paid job, the benefits of socializing, and further more into interesting facts. In socialization, there’s different ways of socializing and the practice of benefits for socializing with others. For instance,† Walking together, playing games, tutoring, getting in volunteering jobs, joining discussions in real time, going to movies, going forRead MoreWhat are Agents of Socialization?1413 Words   |  6 PagesSocialization is a lifelong learning process essential for our development as human beings. Through socialization we acquire a sense of self as well as emotions. Socialization is an essential factor in shaping our behavior. 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Social development helps a student to meet new peopleRead MoreGender Socialization : The Princess And The Frog920 Words   |  4 PagesGender socialization takes place in our everyday lives whether we subconsciously know it or not. Gender socialization is the socially learned expectations and behaviors associated with members of each gender. For example, If I were to say it takes my friend at least 45 minutes to do their hair before school everyday, you would assume I am speaking about a friend who is a female as opposed to a friend who is male. This is because of the idea of gender socialization. As I stated earlier, gender socializationRead MoreMusic as an Agent of Socialization Essay1409 Words   |  6 Pagesagent of socialization in each of my 4 decades. I know and hope that it will continue to do so. During each period music has affected my personality, shown my personality, affected my perceptions and helped me to cope with growing and changing as a person. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Nothing Good Ever Comes from Violence Free Essays

The twentieth century was the century of discovery for life . Dreadful diseases like diphtheria and leprosy were halted; sterile women have been given children; handicapped people were made a part of society. Numerous vaccines have been found to stop the most dangerous diseases. We will write a custom essay sample on Nothing Good Ever Comes from Violence or any similar topic only for you Order Now New technologies have enabled the creation of better conditions for life. International humanitarian organizations were felt all over the world where living conditions were not acceptable. Humanitarian aid have been sent many times where they were needed: Africa, Haiti, Pakistan, etc..Under these conditions, feeding his superego with illusions, man has become complacent. He is gracious and fair. He is, finally, human. However, what ultimately is not understood is that violence, which has its roots deep infiltrated in human consciousness , cancels all these developments. For each cured disease , hundreds of ways to return it are invented. For every child saved in high-tech hospitals there are another hundred killed innocent children. Not a virus manages to disappear as we rush to replace it with another. Violence is everywhere.In this situation , the following idea needs to be understood : violence , in the common perception of this word, destroys everything we dream for. In this essay I will try to argue my thesis, demonstrating why each type of violence in part must be avoided. In the beginning, I’m obliged to clarify the essence of the term violence. Violence is the expression of physical and / or verbal force of one person against himself or another person / group of persons ,that brings the pain to whom it is addressed. There are several forms of violence : Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Psychological, Spiritual, Cultural, Verbal, Financial.Each one is a tragedy for one against whom it is directed. Violence is a primal part of human nature. Since ancient times, it has governed human acts. His destructive tendencies and self-defense were the ones that have characterized all his actions. However, for some time, the state claims, for better or worse, a monopoly on violence practiced within the confines of a specific territory ( Max Weber) ,realised by law and education, to impose the man to conform himself to cooperation and group working, whitch is much more effective and productive than the free violence.Violence is everywere. In families were husbands abuse their wives and children we speak about domestic violence. Domestic violence’ is a specific form of violence in which physical, psychological, or sexual abuse is perpetuated by one spouse upon another, or by both partners upon each other. It is caused by many factors , including : the pure impuls control , lack of education,social stress, need of power and control, mental illnesses , etc. Domestic violence has a lot of negative results. Broken bones, head injuries ,internal bleeding are some of the acute effects .Hundreds of thousands of dead women and children annually: it is the result of domestic violence. And those who survive have a nightmare during all their life. A life marked by depresion, stress, fear, and anxiety. These symptoms are generally experienced for a long span of time after the victim has left the dangerous situation. But problems do not stop there. If victims can escape the abusers, they are tortured by the society. They don’t have money , they don’t have the ability to get money, they don’t have friends that can help them†¦ This leads many times to the suicide.For children, domestic violence can become an enormous psychological trauma that will change the perception of the world. For example, Hitler was physically abused by his father in childhood. Because of this, he became a sociopath and did what he did. Franz Kafka was educated under the moral domination of his father, which made him one of the biggest pessimists in the history of mankind. So, the domestic violence pursues its victims till the grave. War is another manifestation of violence on a very large scale. It is thought to be the key of solving of the territorial, ideological and resources problems.During the war, violence is encouraged in the highest level. After the Industrial Revolution, that is percepted as a very good event, the number of war victims has grown. For example, World War I has caused 40 mln victims and World War II – 70 mln. New technologies are constantly developed to ensure the governments of all countries with weapons to bring as many victims as possible. From the machinegun to the atomic bomb, every discovery is greeted with applause. Death smiles at us and we applaud. Then we go home, satisfied of ourselves, and criticize the politicians.We applaud, but then we close our eyes in front of terror victims. Do you think that after Hitler has caused 50 million victims in his war people haven’t made new weapons? Do you think that after Hiroshima and Nagasaki haven’t appeared new types of atomic bombs? We applaud them all. Every year on May 9, Russia shows its military force one the Red Square. And we applaud, proud of what we’ve created. While we’re applauding, millions of Africans die in civil wars, progress in the black continent can not be put on wheels, people dying of hunger because of civil wars.And we applaud. Much more horrible are the conflicts caused by religious, racial and national hate. During the middle age, near 300  000 people ( especially women ) were killed because of their religion. The Jews were killed and chased all other the Europe. The Crusades against Muslim have caused a lot of human and material prejudice. Interracial hatred, maintained by Ku Klux Klan in America, which has started since the late 19th century and continue fruitful so far, does not allow free evolution of American democracy, as well as the evolution of democracy all other the world.Thousands of people are killed in Russia, according to race. The new national-socialist organization are growing rapidly . In a world where the Hungarian National Socialist Party gain 9% in the elections, progress is a castle on sand. Well†¦ This is our world – a world of violence. It surrounds us , wispers sweet words to our ears , decieve our eyes, feed our egos by illusions, and continues its very productive work. Millions of people die from violence.Is not it enough that we die because of pollution and unhealthy way of life? Should we help nature in the murder? Is it not time that the understanding between people to become the engine of a better life? We arrived at times when the slightest mistake could cost us a lot. We are on an unstable platform and only on us depens our future. A future soaked in the blood of violence or dried by the Sun of welfare. It’s our turn to choose now. Listen Read phonetically Listen Read phonetically How to cite Nothing Good Ever Comes from Violence, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Bad Break The catalyst that redefined my dream free essay sample

I’ll be honest with you. In my life I’ve faced few truly major problems; few roadblocks I couldn’t handle, either alone or with the help of my family. I tried scanning my mind for an autobiographical tear-jerker, and realized once again how blessed a life I’ve lived thus far. The â€Å"low points† in my life are few-and-far-between, and have primarily been catalysts willing me to new heights. One such example is my childhood dream of becoming a professional athlete. On a fateful day three years ago, a seemingly disastrous twist reshaped that dream in a way I could never have predicted. The day remains a vivid blur to me. The sun beat down as the court radiated heat. Frequent, large droplets of sweat careened down my forehead. As a frustrated, overmatched, under-conditioned freshman, I was just two points away from losing my first Junior Varsity tennis match. We will write a custom essay sample on Bad Break: The catalyst that redefined my dream or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though little else of that match remains in my memory, the ensuing moments do. I remember my opponent’s serve, my return, and his ensuing approach shot which pushed me toward the back, left corner of the court. I remember lunging to reach the flighty neon orb and hearing a crack accompanied by searing pain in my left ankle. I also remember when hours later a doctor confirmed my worst fear, a fractured ankle. After four months of hobbling around in a protective boot, I thought the worst of it was over. It turns out that when a person like me favors a weak ankle, the burden is transferred onto his knees. Just a year and a half after breaking my ankle, I was under the knife receiving surgery for a torn meniscus and arthritis-esque conditions within my left knee. Unfortunately, the â€Å"buck† did not stop there. Wearing a knee brace and occasionally when pain would swell up, an ankle brace, my lower back was soon the target. I will do all in my power to make it through the upcoming tennis season, but my sports career, even recreationally, will likely end there. â€Å"So, what now?† I had to ask myself. I had absolute confidence my love of sports would never fade. So as my body’s willingness to participate dwindled, my mind was forced to step up. Be it the Seattle Mariners or my family’s beloved Green Bay Packers, I have always watched sports. As it became clear â€Å"pro athlete† was not in the cards, I was forced to pursue a new way to integrate sports in my life, now and into the future. ESPN, the Seattle Times sports section, and the World Wide Web have served as fountains of knowledge from which I have drank more than my fill of sporting knowledge. In the process I have accrued a fact bank and a passion I am not hesitant to share with anyone who is willing to listen. Utilizing the magic of technology, I began an online sports blog as a hobby. Since beginning my blog, I have been able to view sports from the high school level to the professional ranks with a much more analytical eye. I have great appreciation for the physical and mental prowess required for the athletes as well as the dedication they’ve put in to reach the pinnacle and the humanity of sports which is often unrecognized. I realize now I could never have committed to the physical and psychological requirements of elite athletics. My injuries merely hastened these realizations and forced me to adapt. As a freshman in high school I was forced to realize my true love. Professional athletics is a selective, limited field. However, if I can accomplish my â€Å"new and improved† dream, I’ll be able to watch and communicate my love of sports forever. My love of sports has and always will defy physical definition. It is neither the competitiveness of athletics nor the sense of jubilation accompanying success; it is the sheer magnificence of sport that I love. It is said that â€Å"beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.† My eyes were not truly opened until the debilitating string of injuries which shaped my life more positively than I could ever have imagined.