Monday, April 20, 2020

Pluralizm Essays - Elite Theory, Military-industrial Complex

Pluralizm Pluralism is a group theory of democracy. Pluralism is a theory of many different competing groups with political power that try to shape the government decisions. The two main political groups in the United Stated are the Democrats and Republicans. There are many others activist, unions, associations and environmentalists that try to shape government decision. Yes I believe Pluralisms help explain the tea party. Pluralism plays a major factor in describing the Tea Party by stressing social diversities and civic virtue as private life over the public life. Pluralism does influence the federal budget deficit through the specialist groups, organizations lobbying congress and the private sector for allocation of funds. I think Pluralisms plays part in both the strength and weakness of the country. As for what it dont explain why the country is in the predicament we are in, we are in a recession. The theory of Power Elites are the most wealthiest individual , they hold powerful positions in society and having the most influence in politics. They rule the country positions there members occupy. The elite does not look out for the best interest in society, they look after their own interest. The protest our country saw in the Occupy Wall Street see the influenced of the elites. Yes, because money talks and Congress is influenced by the wealthiest Americans. So yes this helps explains the low esteem in which congress is held. Yes it helps explain the budget deficits because many times votes are bought. The Elite theory does not explain why the country is not in better shape, with all the power and influence they have. I would say Pluralism would best explain my view because I believe in listening to all voices not just who has the most money. I think the pluralist view is more accurate of our political system.

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